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Nebraska RFPs & Bids, Government Contracts in Nebraska State (NE)

  Nebraska is smack dab in the middle of the United States. Find RFP searches and finds government RFP (request for proposal), government bids, and government contracts in the state of Nebraska (NE). Solicitations in Nebraska listed below are published by all levels of governments, including federal bids, Nebraska state contracts and RFPs, as well as local government contracting & bidding opportunities from cities, counties, municipalities, towns, schools, and other regional government authorities in Nebraska (NE). There are two major cities in Nebraska: Omaha and Lincoln, where a number of government bids and RFPs are issued.
  New Search Result for RFPs and Bids in the State of Nebraska (NE)
IDFederal, State, Local Government Bids, Contracts, RFPStateIssuing Agency
1Insurance Broker Services for Multiple LinesNebraska (NE)State/Local
2Employee Healthcare and Benefits Insurance Broker and Consultant ServicesNebraska (NE)State/Local
3Independent Entity for OHA UnitsNebraska (NE)State/Local
4Traffic Signals at Various Locations - 2024Nebraska (NE)State/Local
52025 Armor CoatNebraska (NE)State/Local
62025 Asphalt OverlayNebraska (NE)State/Local
72025 Concrete Pavement and Curb Inlet Repair at Various LocationsNebraska (NE)State/Local
8Galvanized U-PostsNebraska (NE)State/Local
10Janitorial Services for Omaha Public LibrariesNebraska (NE)State/Local

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Major Nebraska Cities Included in the Search
Find RFP database covers all the major cities in the state of Nebraska (NE). These Nebraska cities include Omaha, Lincoln, Bellevue, Grand Island, Kearney, Fremon, Hastings, North Platte, Norfolk, Columbus.
Major Nebraska Counties Covered by Find RFP Database
Your online search and daily RFP notification may include government bids and contracts from any or all of the Nebraska counties: Douglas County, Lancaster County, Sarpy County, Hall County, Buffalo County, Scotts Bluff County, Dodge County, Madison County, Lincoln County
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